Sunday, 25 September 2011

About Love on the Balcony Project

Tristan and Isolde
So what's this? An audio box full of stories, ramblings and music. You stick the earphone plug in a hole on one side of the box, and you get a story. Each one is a chapter. One is on death. One is on Life. Another on Being. On Happiness. On Place. Chapter Four is a story about Love. I wrote this... having listened to the people Rhona, Artist in Residence in the Bernard Curtis Buildings in Bluebell, Inchicore, interviewed. John Foley, who wrote the Chapter on Being,  is a philosophical writer who lives in the building. He had a lot of interesting ideas about love, platonic, catatonic, pure and impure, selfish and selfless. His musings inspired me. Then I heard an interview with Fiann O Nuallain who spearheaded the project Bluebells for BLuebell. H got me interested in Tristan and Isolde when he mentioned that Isolde was an Irish Princess, daughter of the King of Ballyfermot. Tristan and Isolde imbibed the love potion in Temple Bar. I loved the idea that this old love story, this myth, was appropriated by Dublin and specific little pockets of Dublin... to have a listen to the story, beautifully narrated by the actress Rose Henderson, click on the link above.

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